Welcome to AG Transport & Development

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There is constant change all around us. To be strong and to keep the top position in ones business, we need to be on continuous look out for the changes around us and to closely monitor prevailing market conditions and future trends.

AG Transport & Development understands this and strives to keep up with the paradigm changes happening around it. AG Transport & Development, through its Vision statement, is ready to meet the challenges around it today and those it may meet tomorrow.

The company guarantees its employees job security, stability and career growth by introducing innovation into the workplace and by keeping up to date with the latest technologies. The Vision is met through its experienced team of Managers and Employees who are determined to tackle the ever changing and increasing challenges and demands of the market.

Our Vision:

Through teamwork and innovation, we shall strive to be the transportation and logistics provider of choice through all nations along the Silk Road corridor.

Our Mission:

  • Our mission is to give our customers a competitive advantage by providing the most efficient transportation and superior logistics services.
  • We will meet and exceed our customers' expectations of service through prompt communications and quality information. “Excellent Service Always” is our mantra
  • With service as the base, technology as the tool and teamwork as the driving force, AG Transport & Development will meet and exceed the needs of its customers

Products & Solutions

Sea Freight

Efficient transport solution: large load volumes cover great distances via sea freight.

Road Freight

In modern economies, 85% of road freight tonnage is carried over distances of 150 km or less for which there is no economically viable alternative and less than 1% is carried over 1,000 km.

Rail Freight

We try to make rail transport safer and more competitive; we have a strong interest in minimizing climate change and reduction of environmental effects by delivering highly efficient and attractive customer services, thereby creating a strong pull effect for our customers to opt for rail transportation.

Hazardous Cargo

We ensure that all the relevant rules and guidelines for handling and transporting dangerous goods are effectively, precisely and efficiently followed.

Vessel Chartering

Being involved in all aspects of shipping and road/rail transport we are also heavily engaged in vessel chartering for various types of cargoes. We have relationships with multiple regional and international ship broker and charter companies.

Customs Management

Customs Management lets us automate many steps in our global trade management and transportation processes.


Keeps your project firmly on schedule by ensuring that your suppliers meet their contractual obligations and deliver on time.

Terminal Services and Warehousing

Our terminals are located in Vale (South-West Georgia, Georgia-Turkey border) and Poti (next to Black Sea Poti Port, Georgia). With our long or interim storage and efficient reloading capabilities, we are able to gather incoming consignments by train or lorry and efficiently forward them. The terminals can also act as customs warehouses. Our storage and terminal services are always tailored to meet our customers' specific needs.